why money is important ?

From childhood we are listening to people saying money can't buy you happiness,  money is not everything , money will make you greedy , and nowadays we listening people saying I don't want money I just want self respect , but no one ever said money isn't important . 

Money in society
In society money plays an important role . Money can decide where you stand in the society. Money can increase your social status . When group of people in society plans to do something , for example let's say that they want to build a temple and they start to collect money from everyone , everyone will give some amount that they can afford and there is always that one person who give a large amount as a donation . When the temple is built , the temple is for everyone but the one who gave most amount will be respected among the society . This happened many times

Money with friends 
You may have seen this before where in a friends group there is always a guy who is rich or who bring and spend more money than others in the group, and there is always a person in the group  who hesitates to take money out of their pockets . If you have this scene obviously you must have realised that they friend who spends more gets more attention than the one who spends less . Now let's say for example you and your friends planning to go on a trip and you told  your friends to bring this much money . There is always a friend who doesn't have that much money or wasn't able to collect that much . But do you think your friends will help him , I mean if they can they will but if you know you can't help will you cancel your trip because your friend will not be able to make it . The answer depends on what type friends you have but chances are they may leave him behind 

Money in relationships and family 
I'm not talking about money issues between wife and husband here but money in family and relatives 

● money issues in family - do you the times when you was a kid your parents used to buy everything you wanted but as you grow up and you become 16 you can see your parents talking about loan , money lenders , debt , interests,  etc.  And when your in debt you can see that your relatives who used to visit your home frequently whenever they have time , now they make excuses about I had lot of work , I'm very busy right now etc .

● money issues in getting a girl - for this thing let's take an example of an arranged marriage.  Where parents of both girl and boy meet and talk about their future , now cutting off all the nonsense like does the girl know how to dance and sing , they talk about the networth of both boy and girl and then they go to the next step , if the girl family has lot of money the boy family will get excited and if the boy family has lot of money the girl family will feel that my girl is in safer hands .

Finally I want to say money may not buy you happiness but money can make you happy
